Equinox, March 20th
Connect to Cetaceans through Sound
Deepen Personal Experience
Access Time Capsules in Dolphins & Whales
Increase Coherence through Gratitude
Receive Quantum Information
Come join us for an online quantum gathering where we will:
Background track by Hawaii Whalesong. You can purchase their beautiful album HERE.
Whale Grid Meditation
Time Capsules and Awakening of Humanity
The Dream of the New Earth
Quantum Choir Meditation
Whale Song
You will receive a ZOOM link 24hrs before the event. At the time of the event simply click on the link. This is a webinar so your video/sound will not be shown.
WHEN: Saturday March 20th at 12pm - 1pm Pacific Time (7pm Portugal, England, 8pm central Europe)
Replay will be available 2hrs after the completion of the event.
ADMISSION: This event is FREE and open to anyone. Simply leave your email bellow.
March 27th & 28th
"Remember your Soul through Quantum Communication"
Background track by Hawaii Whalesong. You can purchase their beautiful album HERE.
Guided Meditations and Attunements
Activate Quantum Receivers
Translate Cetacean Codes
Personal Messages and Downloads
Empowerment, Telepathy and Joy
Both days will be filled with meditations, video and sound presentations, toning and quantum communication. Jan will share his experiences and create a safe space for a "deep dive" with dolphins and whales.
DAY 1 - Decoding Dolphin Movement (March 27th)
ACTIVATION: Quantum Receivers in the Cells
Swimming Deep
Jumping Out of the Water
Head on Meeting
Spiraling Up
Waving through the Spine
Spinning Clockwise and Counter Clockwise
Spinning both Ways at the Same Time
DAY 2 - Decoding Whale Songs (March 28th)
ACTIVATION: Quantum Receivers in the Heart, Jaw and Pineal
Songs of the Dolphins
Songs of Belugas
Songs of Sperm Whales
Songs of Bowhead Whales
Songs of Humpback Whales
Songs of Blue Whales
You will receive a ZOOM link 24hrs before the event. At the time of the event simply click on the link. This is a webinar so your video/sound will not be shown.
WHEN: Saturday March 27th at 12pm - 1.30pm Pacific Time (7pm Portugal, England, 8pm central Europe) & Sunday March 28th at 12pm - 1.30pm
Replays will be available 2 hrs after the completion of the event.
Please fill out the form bellow.