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December 29, 2024

Aloha all!


Thank you all for an amazing gathering ... 88 souls dwelling in the Crystalline Heart of Gaia, receiving, activating and then integrating, bringing into the physical the Source Codes of Joy, Purity, and Oneness for each of us and for us all ... So blessed to be Here, Now!


Make sure to take time to integrate, and if needed repeat the beluga meditation a few times in the coming days, even if you simply invite them into your field. As always, drinking lots of water and spending time in nature is recommended.


Have a beautiful transition into new year!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.
We remember

Jan Lemuri

Please find the replay below!


As always, my first big thank you goes to MuOM, a polyphonic overtone choir from Barcelona, Spain. Please support them by ordering their amazing soundtracks HERE and visit their website HERE.

The beautiful videos of Aurora were done by Jonna Jinton from Sweden, I love her Youtube channel HERE. Specific video used at the event can be found HERE.

Sending much love and happy integration <3

Jan Lemuri

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