23. března 2024
Zpívání v KVANTOVÉM prostoru se stovkami lidí po celém světě
Spojení s kytovci prostřednictvím ZVUKU a meditace
Zažijte ZÁZRAK srdce velryby
Dozvíte se o VELRYBÍM polibku, aquakraniální terapii a spojení mezi zvukem kytovců a kostmi (se SPECIÁLNÍM HOSTEM: Rebeccou Goff)
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Přidejte se k nám při tomto online kvantovém setkání:
MEDITACE: Mřížka velrybích srdcí
Duhy, draci a zázraky
Vztah mezi zvuky kytovců, sonarem a vyladěním kostí
Spinování (otáčení se), šišinka a líbání
Kvantový chór MEDITACE: Zázraky velrybího srdce
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KDY: 23. března, 2024 v 19:00 SEČ
K dispozici budete mít také online překlad do češtiny, pokud si jej zvolíte (kliknete na tlačítko během vysílání).
VSTUP: Tato událost je ZDARMA a otevřená všem. Jednoduše zanechte níže svůj email.
International Presenter, Facilitator and Author of Inner Dolphin Awakening
16 years ago dolphins started showing up in Jan's dreams. Not just once or twice, but on a nightly basis. This initiated a journey that took him to meet and often swim with cetaceans in Hawaii, Croatia, Azores (Portugal), New Zealand, Tonga and Australia. Then he experienced an inner transformation that changed his relationship with cetaceans forever. He morphed, changed form. He became a dolphin himself!
"Could it be that everything you knew to be true about dolphins was inside you?"
Welcome to the beauty of our multidimensional soul that includes dolphins and whales! Each one of us carries a piece of the puzzle. Each one of us carries a dream that is a part of a bigger dream, the dream of the New Earth. As the time capsules open, we are empowered to embody dolphin qualities, attune to the wisdom from our Star Akash and co-create a peaceful and compassionate planet!
Jan's dream has always been to assist in this process. Guided by cetaceans, he channels tools, meditations and insights to accelerate our journey.
He lives in Oregon, USA, with his wife and 8-year-old daughter.
Internationally acclaimed creator of AquaCranial Therapy, Dolphin and Whale Retreats
I originated AquaCranial Therapy, an extension of the Sutherland method of Craniosacral therapy, with the guidance and interaction of the cetaceans. An advanced modality, it is a mix of osteopathic-based Craniosacral manipulations, dolphin therapy movements, visionary emotional release work, meridian balancing, yogic stretches and extreme hydrotherapy, developed through years of cetacean research.
AquaCranial decompresses the spine, cranium, bones and tissues. Balancing the Craniosacral system eliminates physical stress from the body, acquired since birth up until the present time. If you bend a garden hose in half while it is turned on, no water will flow until you release the bend in the hose.
Same principal holds true. If you hold your phone with your neck and shoulder, lift your hip to carry baby, lift your shoulder to hold your purse, sleep on the plane in a weird position, fall off your bike or skis etc., you create small bends or restrictions in the hose-like membrane surrounding the Craniosacral fluid and it cannot flow. Just like the water and the bent garden hose.